This day I feel like the disciples of Jesus must have felt while on that boat in the Sea of Galilee.  You remember the evening when the big storm came up.  They felt threatened.  They said to themselves, let’s go find him and wake him up.  Just ask him if he cares and see if he understands that we could drown.

…. Today I want to find Jesus, wake him up and ask him if he sees this pandemic.  Jesus, will you let the world go through this, do you not care that thousands of us are dying?  Do you know the pestilence that is coming?  I want to ask him this.

The disciples were able to find Jesus.  He was right in the boat with them, facing the same storm.  In the back of the boat, Jesus was able to quiet himself and remain asleep.  As the boat rocked, and the water lapped over its sides Jesus remained calm.  And as the accounting unfolds, Jesus is awakened, and standing up he commands the storm to quiet itself.  The storm obeys his will and calm returns.  Then Jesus teaches his disciples lessons about faith and trust in him.

…. This day, I want to find Jesus and tell him about the storm I’m in and ask him to fix it.   I want him to wake up, stand up and say “Peace Be Still” once again.  I want him to use his miraculous power on the Covid-19 pandemic.

While I am certain of it, having seen Jesus Christs’ power in facing down storms, I like the disciples feel utterly helpless.  I cannot command this pandemic to quiet and collapse itself.

I’m often challenged to apply the teachings of Christ in my life.  I’m still learning to lean into the power of the peace that Christ gives to us.  Yet, I do have a sense of agency.  I possess the ability to shift my consciousness through purposeful quiet reflection.  As I wait and rest in Christs’ presence, I realize that I am not alone.  Quietly, I go inward and embrace the gift of power, the peace of Christ, and I do what I’m given the strength to do.

I stand up in the storm to provide care for those facing the torrents alongside me.  I rise to protect others.  I stand up.  I urge people that are placed in positions of power to act, and I hold them accountable for protecting human life.  I embrace those who are feeling isolated with a word of comfort.  I’ve learned to emulate Christ, I stand up facing toward towards the storm, and I do that which I have the power, to do.

… Today I will stand in place and keep proper social distance as I have been asked, to aid in this storms’ passing.  I have the power to do that as well.

…. I am neither alone nor powerless.  Jesus is present in this storm residing deep within my heart saying, “peace be still for my peace, my power, I give to you.”

Join me in listening to the words of the song “Sometimes He Calms the Storm” by Benton Kevin Stokes and Tony Wood:

Sometimes He calms the storm

With a whispered “Peace, be still.”

He can settle any sea,

But it doesn’t mean He will.


Sometimes He holds us close

And lets the wind and waves go wild;

Sometimes He calms the storm,

And other times He calms His child.

James E. McJunkin Jr.

Regional Executive Pastor

April 6, 2020