2024 Mission Banquet

The Annual Mission Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2024, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at the Drexelbrook Banquet Facility in Drexel Hill, PA. To register click here.                                To purchase an ad click here. IIt is our tradition to lift...

World Mission Offering 2024

Were not our Hearts burning within us?  (Luke 24:32) Through International Ministries’ World Mission Offering (WMO), every September and October thousands across the country celebrate and give financial support to ministries that God is using to transform the world. ...

PBA Christ and Cultural Humility Program Video

PBA Christ and Cultural Humility video We invite you to view the video to learn more about the Philadelphia Baptist Association's Christ and Cultural Humility Program. To watch the 6 minute video click the video link below....

2024 Missiological Conversation

On May 2, 2024, 65 clergypersons from PBA and other Christian organizations gathered at the ABHMS Leadership and Mission Building in King of Prussia, PA, and online for the Missiological Conversation.  

317th Annual Meeting

On May 4, 2024, member congregations of the PBA assembled for worship and fellowship at the First African Baptist Church of Darby Township.  

PBA Pastor and IM Global Consultant Seeks Support

PBA is inviting you to join in God’s Mission The PBA is proud to support one of our pastors in a new role with International Ministries (IM). Rev. Dr. Rodney Ragwan is a bi-vocational pastor of the North Wales Baptist church.  His work with IM can be supported through...

PBA Intergenerational Ministers’ Support Groups

PBA Intergenerational Ministers’ Support Groups During the spring of 2000, Dr. McJunkin shared with me that because of the stresses of the pandemic on ministers, he wanted to provide group support for the ministers of the PBA community. The purpose of the group...

The 315th Anniversary Campaign

The Philadelphia Baptist Association’s 315th Anniversary Campaign The PBA is in the beginning of a fundraising campaign.  Over the next few months members of the board of directors, led by moderator, Rev. Maria L.H. Lewis and campaign chairperson Minister Marie Pogue,...


The Philadelphia Baptist Association is gathering resources here to help churches and ​communities adapt to the changing needs of the world during this pandemic.



James McJunkin Jr. Blog

Hebrews 10: 23-25a

Hebrews 10:23-25a Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one...

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Breaking Through and Moving Back to Center

Breaking Through and Moving Back to Center The combination of the feelings of isolation, disillusionment, and fear ate my usually resilient heart for breakfast.  I am speaking about going through Covid-19, the social justice issues, and national political turmoil,...

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